ACS (Addiction Couselling Services) was founded in 2015 by Brad Webster with the mission of providing people who suffer from Addiction the chance of creating a new lifestyle free from drugs and alcohol. The philosophy is to help design a lifestyle which is recovery conducive that focuses on abstinence, building healthy relationships and ultimately finding oneself through application of various counselling techniques and recovery approaches.

As the Director of ACS, addiction has played a very personal role in Brad’s life.  Been a recovering addict himself, Brad has been in recovery since 2009.  With experience that ranges from working in treatment centres as an inpatient addictions counsellor to been an educator in the field of addiction by training future counsellors wanting to work in the addiction field to running a successful intensive outpatient programme, Brad holds addiction recovery close to his heart “the biggest reward as a counsellor is to see a person who has once been hopeless turn their lives around and create a life of peace free from substances and destruction”.

Brad is a Certified Alcohol & Drug Counsellor (CADC) and a member of BAPSA (Board of Addiction Professionals South Africa) which means he meets the criteria both locally and internationally of been an addiction professional “through ongoing education, supervision and successful application thereof my clients and their families ultimately get the benefit of my experience”.

The ACS outpatient programme is designed to bring together all the aspects of their client’s lives to unpack their addiction and build a recovery foundation that is long lasting and stable.  Combined with family support and education ACS will provide a complete programme with professional output and guidance.


Outpatient therapy is designed to support the individual who is unable to afford inpatient rehabilitation services or cannot change family, work or any other commitments they may have.  Each client will receive a thorough Screening & Assessment prior to joining the programme for the purpose of referral to other services if required i.e. Medical Detox, Inpatient rehabilitation treatment, Psychologist, Social worker or Marriage counselling.

Outpatient therapy will emulate an inpatient programme as much as possible with the intensity of group therapy, individual therapy and family therapy.  Clients will learn the commitment that addiction recovery entails.  Addiction is not limited to substances it includes addictive behaviours, distorted thinking patterns and negative unhealthy relationships that form part of an addicts life over a period of time.  These areas are not easy to change straight away, recovery is a process that needs to nurture willingness to commit to ongoing change.

Our programme will consist on the following approaches:

  • Relapse prevention and recovery planning
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy
  • 12 step Therapy
  • Weekly Individual counselling
  • Individualised Family Therapy
  • Family education workshops
  • Weekly drug testing


The ACS family education programme will run in conjunction with the outpatient programme.  This is mandatory for family members as building a recovery foundation is not only limited to the addict or alcoholic, family members often suffer and assisting in this area helps family members implement healthy boundaries and identify enabling and co-dependant behaviours that often harm the recovery process.  Families need healing and feel alone often blaming themselves or feeling responsible in some way for their loved one having an addiction, or feeling guilty that they are not dealing with the situation effectively. Our family programme aims to empower and educate family members.

The Family programme consists of the below:

  • Understanding the process of addiction and recovery
  • Identifying Family dynamics
  • Co – Dependency & Implementing boundaries
  • Building an ongoing family support system
  • Understanding substances and their effects


ACS also offers and specialises in the below services:

  • Corporate workshops
  • Drug testing
  • Clinical evaluation for treatment referral
  • Interventions
  • Drug awareness presentations in schools

“It Does Not Matter How Slowly You Go As Long As You Do Not Stop.


Don’t hesitate to contact me, for anything, by clicking on your chosen method of communication below.